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December "Potpourri"

December is a fairy tale month as much as it can be.

Time to relax and to reflect. Time to look forward to miracles and time for cosy evenings.

There are lights everywhere. Sparkles in every house, in the streets, on the sky and on the trees.

It will be mix of my December photos in this post.

Tours to the sea and fields chasing sunsets. Dreaming of fairy tales and spending time with kids.

Everyday life.

Everything was sparkling

the time when the sky is burning. 🔥

The walk in the snowy forest in the evening.

We went out to pick winter flowers and then got stuck in the snow. 😊❄️❄️❄️ It is definitevly a lot of fun 😄☃️

The most wonderful time by the sea is off season. Frosty air is not a problem. .... not a soul on the beach ..... silence .... and only the waves are whispering something.

The advent season is the time for cosy evenings and Christmas fairy tales. 🐭🎄✨👱🏻‍♀️🤴🏻

«Christmas is TOO sparkly» Said No One. Ever.

Vanilla sunsets

It was a perfect day to go to the christmas tree farm to find the most beautiful Christmas tree ever! 😍🎄

The shortest day of the year is over. And from now on the sun will be staying with us longer and longer each day

Happy New Year! :)

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